Gifting & Donations
Gifting Opportunities


Matching Gifts Menu

Matching Gifts
Automatic Payroll
 ~~ Payroll Deduction Form




Corporations and corporate foundations provide important financial support through their employee matching gift programs. By matching the donations made by their employees, these companies enable individuals to double - or even triple - financial support for their favorite charities. Through such programs, business and corporate institutions promote and encourage charitable philanthropy on the part of their employees.


If you would like to participate in the matching gift program where you work:

  • Contact your Human Resources Office for eligibility requirements to find out how to arrange your gift.

  • Follow your company's procedure whether it is completing a paper form or using a call-in system.

  • If your company uses a paper form, mail the completed form to:

                        Temple of the Goddess

                        P. O. Box 660021

                        Arcadia, CA 91066-0021


For your convenience an Automatic Payroll Deduction Form can be downloaded below:


Automatic Payroll Deduction Form (Opens as a Word Doc)


Note:  The information on this site is not intended as legal, tax, or investment advice. For such advice, please consult your legal, accounting, or other professional advisors to confirm the accuracy and applicability of information and current IRS regulations governing non-cash charitable contributions.