


Goddess Liturgy



I am the Gardener of My Life

Prosperity Blessing

Together, We are One

I am the Weaver of My Life

Thee is Still Power in Ancient Names

Musical Liturgy











                      I am the Gardener of My Life


                         by: Xia

                         Celebrant: I am the Gardener of my life.

                         People: All else


                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires.

                         I nurture the source of my dreams.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.                                 

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires

                         I cultivate the growth of all my hopes.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.  

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires

                         I discard the weeds of fear and limitation

                            that would block my emergence into the light.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires

                         I water the commitment to my highest aspirations.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires

                         I glean the lessons of my deepest growth.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I plant the seeds of my desires

                         I harvest the fruit of my work and dedication.


                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I create my world with care and intention.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.

                         I create my world with care and intention.

                         I am the Gardener of my life.