Who We Are






As with all good stories, fictional or otherwise, the path to the climax is circuitous, and fairies or monsters may lurk behind any tree or boulder.


Fortunately, for Temple of the Goddess there have been no monsters leaping out to devour the tender morsel.


The co-founders of the Temple first met in 1991, but it wasn’t until 1993 that the vision appeared swirling in water during the moontime, seeming from on high. Then the egg started hatching. Metaphorically and literally. At an Oestre Ritual in 1993 on Wright’s land in the beautiful mountains above Malibu, California, Goddess planted a thought. Why were eggs, the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, sacred symbol of creation, called, “Deviled Eggs”? Yes, there is a pickling to the dish, but it was about time to reclaim the sacredness of eggs. “Goddess Eggs” were created and the temple hatchling came out of its shell.


After that came refinement of the humans involved. Through rituals and how-to classes in forming a non-profit organization, the idea of a place for women, men, and young people–all children of the Goddess–to ritually celebrate and honor the Divine Feminine began to grow.


Temple of the Goddess expanded into becoming a church, a teaching institution, a place for affiliates to obtain grants for documentaries, and other art works, a place for children to learn their true heritage, and a place for healing the body and the soul. We talked to Pagans at various Pagan Pride Days and discovered women, and men, yearning for a place to joyfully celebrate the Goddess. They were “ritual-starved.” They wanted knowledge that has been withheld.


2001 saw a group of women come together. The Visioning Day tried to put ideas to paper, to begin the task of creating an actual temple. In mid 2001 Temple of the Goddess was registered and became a California Corporation.


On April 07, 2004 Temple of the Goddess became federally recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit religious organization. The United States Government proclaimed that we were a church.


When women heard about the Temple, they wanted to be a part of it. Strong, intelligent women joined the Board of Directors to light the path into the future. Some of the same women, and others, have been meeting as the Ritual Committee forming the shape of the Sabbat Rituals honoring the Divine Feminine. Because of those sacred eggs, Goddess Eggs, in 2005 we met at the Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society in North Hills, California–informally called “The Onion”, because of its organic shape.  In 2006 we moved to the Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church at 301 N. Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, California. In 2013, following our theme for the year "New Directions", we moved to a Center for Awakening Consciousness at 690 E. Orange Grove Blvd, Pasadena, California.


There have been no monsters along the path, but many Sprites, Nymphs, Goddesses, and Lords of the Wood in the form of awesome women and men making Temple of the Goddess a reality.

Pythia, Temple Archivist


To learn more about the Temple of the Goddess, click here for a printable brochure. . .